Monday 17th November
7.30 Doors
Experimental pop Girl/Boy duo all the way from Rome, Trouble Vs. Glue split their attentions between an array of instruments and piles of 80s electronic detritus. Within their irregular style of party music sections of hyperactive rock get happily slopped together with squelchy samples, camp, dueling Europop vocals and goofy drum machine beats.
In their promotional literature, Clunes assert that they have the ability to channel the "vibrational energy" emitted from a name-sake planet into their own particular form of improvised music. Whatever its origin, the sound they generate plots an intergalactic course through meandering drones and crescendos of joyful sonic space junk. Science fiction references aside, their awkward charm will leave you feeling glad to be a citizen of the planet Earth.
Please sound a bit like Amon Duul II condensed into gratifying song-chunks with clattering drums, eccentric vocal styles and feudal system riffs. A bit like a grouse being stuffed into the mouth of a wild boar.
The venue is a secret, so email planetclunes at gmail d'ot com for all the infos and a nice little flyer.
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