Last year we made a Christmas album, interpreting some classic Christmas songs with an interplantary twist.
They're still online and available FOR FREE at* ... either click on each track to preview/right-click to download, or download the whole thing as either a .zip or .m3u archive. Burn it to a CD, slip it into your parents' CD player at dinner and enjoy a "cosmic christmas" with your turkey, your nut roast, your christmas crackers and your slowly dissolving familial goodwill at your Christmas Day dinner table. Or stick it on your new mp3 player and shut out the screeching sounds of any younger siblings, cousins, nieces or nephews as they destroy their presents! The possibilities are endless. * * * DOWNLOAD LINK * * * image of christmas tree nebula by flickr user panshell, under creative commons MERRY CHRISTMAS ONE AND ALL!!!!!
We've created a new section to the right of this post where you will find free MP3's of a selection of our live performances available for download, and which may in the future also feature other studio, bedroom, kitchen, and practise room recordings. Please enjoy!
"There is no such thing as 'the children of today'. Children are not 'of today'. They come afresh into this world in a steady stream and, apart from a few in-built instincts, they are blank pages happily waiting to be written on." - Oliver Postgate
We are playing a house show in the golden district of Dalston, E8 on MOnday.
Monday 17th November 7.30 Doors TROUBLE VS. GLUE Experimental pop Girl/Boy duo all the way from Rome, Trouble Vs. Glue split their attentions between an array of instruments and piles of 80s electronic detritus. Within their irregular style of party music sections of hyperactive rock get happily slopped together with squelchy samples, camp, dueling Europop vocals and goofy drum machine beats.
CLUNES In their promotional literature, Clunes assert that they have the ability to channel the "vibrational energy" emitted from a name-sake planet into their own particular form of improvised music. Whatever its origin, the sound they generate plots an intergalactic course through meandering drones and crescendos of joyful sonic space junk. Science fiction references aside, their awkward charm will leave you feeling glad to be a citizen of the planet Earth.
PLEASE Please sound a bit like Amon Duul II condensed into gratifying song-chunks with clattering drums, eccentric vocal styles and feudal system riffs. A bit like a grouse being stuffed into the mouth of a wild boar.
The venue is a secret, so email planetclunes at gmail d'ot com for all the infos and a nice little flyer.
Have you ever sat through the perennial pub conversation-o-round that is "do you remember kids show X?"? Man, oh man they're annoying. Most of the time they're nothing more than deja-vu trip through previous near-identical conversations you've sat through many times before - an exercise in consensus-building, if you like, a do-it-yourself companion piece to all those "top 100" shows which spend so much time informing the viewer of television's great moments passed (the Blue Peter shitting elephant, all of Tiswas, Button Moon etc).
Nostalgia, in short. And though nostalgia has been around for over a hundred years (and it was better in the old days), more recent nostalgia is the worst of all, a cheap way of filling time with old news, numbed to the misery of the present.
So please, then, forgive me this self-inflicted gunshot in my own hypocritical foot for this post, which is about an animated children's series from the 1980s called Stoppit & Tidyup.
The cartoon was narrated by xenophobic national treasure Terry Wogan, and featured a cast of characters called things like Clean Your Teeth, Don't Do That and Eat Your Greens. Each episode centred around the two main characters Stoppit & Tidyup; Stoppit was the devilish, ill-behaved monster, the thorn in the side of Tidyup, the series' sensible, anti-litter moral compass. Each episode saw the two of them in the Land of Do As You're Told (listen, no-one said it was subtle) getting into various standard-but-nonstandard kiddy cartoon scrapes. You'd say it was surreal, if the term 'surreal' hadn't been devalued to the point of ridiculousness. Anyway, it was all quite a merry set of tales, with a kind of lilting, ironic tone throughout and the kind of gentle pacing which, it has to be said, you rarely see in kids TV 'these days'. Fun, as the saying goes, for kids and adults alike.
Far and beyond this however, the real revelation is the way the show sounds- the voices of all the characters (provided by the winningly-named Terry Brain) and the lo-fi, sometimes concrète-ish sound effects are all cheerfully jump-cut, giving the whole production a kind of freewheeling anarchic feel. And of course there's the theme tune, similar to an Art Of Noise cutup rhythm track, in that it's made up of essentially non-musical slices of information organised to somehow form something maddeningly catchy, and mildly addictive. Great stuffs.
Anyway, here's episode 1:
As you can tell, the plots were sketchy to say the least, but sonically - musically - there's plenty of slapdash beauty in each episode. Tidyup's foghorn voice is just lovely - awkward and full of a kind of melancholy, made funny by the animated character's bovine smile. Stoppit's frantic high-pitch squabbling is the perfect wordless distillation of A.D.D. mania, and the bees - oh, the bees! Isn't there something kind of sinister about the noise these two make, with their anuses for mouths and their blank, droning hovering? Brilliant. My suspicion is that Terry Brain made most of the character sounds using his mouth alone, and sped them up in his Atari ST or something.
All the episodes of S&T have been uploaded onto the ForeverNet by YouTube user SpeedoJoe, along with a music video from Finnish folk-metal band Korpiklaani (?!). Other notable (sound-wise) characters are Say Please, Don't Do That (who, like the bees, would sound great on a loop) and also the one-line cameo from the "squeaky old weed" in episode 2. check them out if you like.
Trawling for more stuff, I dug up this clip from Rolf's Cartoon Club, which features the creators of Stoppit & Tidyup showing how they animated some of the characters, and also their MIDI sound-editing software in action on the much more famous Trap Door (That's The Trap Door to you by the way), itself probably one of the 'most cited' works in any booze-fuelled kids telly round-up. That's another story though, and one I can't quite bring myself to go into. Look them up for yourself.
"as far as what’s going on now, it’s not the rock clubs that are gainfully fucking things up, being playful for the sake of it, having a bit of innocence about the whole music-making lark - no, it’s the Klinker. It’s right here."
...which, I suppose, is a very good point. Anyway.
Somewhere, very far away and very hard to find, there is a planet: Clunes.
Clunes is a beautiful yet turbulent planet. Populated by organisms (Clunes) who live for exactly one day, the life cycle of this globe is inextricably linked with that of its inhabitants. Each day the Clunes wake, work, relax, procreate and then, shortly after nightfall, they die, wiped out in a catastrophic global war. Theirs is a life of infinite chaos, born from their earth to survive only for a fleeting cosmological second, doomed to repeat the pattern into the forever, returning to their earth and repeating, repeating...
The fallout from this intense daily activity echoes through space as waves of vibrational energy or 'radiation' which - until recently - was only detectable by extremely sensitive computerized telescopes. 4 years ago two human beings from Earth - Tom Scott and Dan Bolger - let it be known to the international space community that they can not only sense this radiation but can also interpret it through improvised music. Although they presented their findings to NASA, they received no word back from the Americans. Similar enquiries with the Russians, the Europeans, the Australians, the Indians and the North Koreans yielded no contact, no word. It was as if the whole space community regarded them as joke, a crank, and not worth wasting time with.
It was in 2007 when the pair received communication from the Clunes Corporation, who - unbeknownst to the wider public - had been quietly and diligently researching signals from the planet Clunes since the early 1960s. This band of discredited and disillusioned scientists dropped out of the astronomy 'circuit' (lavish banquets, meetings with world leaders, conferences at Marriot hotels) in favour of a spartan existence stationed in Antarctica, some way off the South Pole.
They invited the "Clunes" to their own annual conference held in this grubby Antarctic Research Centre, where they delivered their findings to a rapt audience of rogue space scientists. Since this momentous meeting, they have established research centres in two locations in the UK, helping co-ordinate international field studies, monitoring general space research and educating the wider populace about this extraordinary planet.
United by this shared goal, the Clunes Corporation and "The Clunes" themselves have since dedicated their lives to translating and sharing the lifes and deaths of this faraway earth, in the hope that one day humanity as a whole will be able, somehow, to make sense of it all.
Here you can download MP3's of our live performances.
Originally recorded using SONY MICROCASSETTE-CORDER M-450. Click the links to start download.
/LIVE AT KLINKER, Tottenham Chances, London, Friday 28/11/2008:-